Friday, July 15, 2005


Land of the dead

Land of the dead is a very bad movie for the following reasons:

1) It doesn't follow any of the other films logically. The other films had humans behind a barricade or in a safe area, and it was always the humans that screwed up and let the zombies in to kill everything. In this film the zombies take the initiative.

2) The financial system makes no sense. Would you risk your life to steal something, give it to a store who will give you money, which you can use to buy what you just stole at an inflated price? Why not just rob a bank? This also goes against the theme of "day of the dead" when the bank is shown with all sorts of cash lying on the front steps.

3) The fence scene is totally ridiculous. It is inconcievable that NO ONE chose or was pushed into the electric fence. I won't say any more to avoid spoiling it.

Good to know. I wasn't planning on seeing it, unless it came to the second run brew pub around the corner, but they only show horror at 10 p.m.--too late for me, usually. So I won't waste my time.
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